Veneera™ is the number 1 in Europe
As the only supplier and pioneer for high quality clip-on veneers and grinding splints without the visit to a dentist, we always strive for high quality and a professional and fast service.

The best alternative to medical dentures
Custom-made teeth that can be clipped on without medical intervention.

Our philosophy
The heart of Veneera™ is to respond to each person in a fair and equitable way. Of course, balanced value for money is always at the forefront.
Individual transformation has never been easier. Veneera™ only needs your teeth impression to fulfil your specific wishes using the latest dental technology and literally put a smile on your lips.
Using advanced 3D technology, we customise our products to fit your teeth and bite. Although no dental treatment is performed, Veneera™ prides itself on a fit accuracy of more than 98% for its products.
For everyone!
At Veneera™, we want to enable access to a confident smile and greater well-being for everyone.
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